As you may already know, in the fall there is the possibility to continue rowing in the form of the Najaarsbokaal. This cup consists of four matches per field throughout the country. This bokaal is perfect for practicing rowing and starting competitions in a ''gladde'' boat.

Before each match which you are going to start,you will receive more information about that match. This canbe found in the knowledge base. Because the draw for these matches often falls a bit late in the week, these pages will probably be updated on Thursday. You can already find a lot of information for this on the website of the competition.

Below is a brief overview of the competitions that you can start.

  Races of the Najaarsbokaal

Date Race Distance Number
28/29 September Thêta Herfstregatta 250m & 2100m 2x, 4+, 4*, ErvC4+
5 Oktober Knorresteijn Memorial Regatta 4400m keerboei 2x, 4+, ErvC4+
12 Oktober Army Regatta 4500m 2x, 4*, ErvC4+
26/27 Oktober Asopos Najaarswedstrijden 2000m 4+, 4*
9/10 November Argo Najaars Slotwedstrijden 1000m keerboei & 500m 2x, 4+, 4*, ErvC4+

  What to bring to a race weekend

  • Warm and dry clothes: In the autumn it can of course be very cold, especially on the water. It is therefore important to dress properly when you get off the boat. Wear several layers of clothing and ( the same color of ) thermo.
  • 10/13. Make sure you have one with you! If not, get yourself a beer for the composaris and matcom!
  • Competition clothing: You start a match in your Pelargos clothing and everyone wears the same color clothing as a team. The coxswain wears clothing that clearly identifies the association, so competition clothing or jacket and tie.
  • Enough snacks, food, and drinks! Before & after the game.

  Overnight stays

As you can see, there are some matches that are not close. Keep in mind that when you start, you have to be present at the game early.

If you have to row in Enschede or Wageningen or other places, that also means that you probably have to spend the night in that area. So check the websites or the instagram pages of the competitions for any tips for good places to spend the night. Sometimes the association itself also facilitates some places, then you sleep in association houses or in a gym, for example. That often costs less money.

The wonderful thing about compo races are also the parties that are organized by the competition itself. You can often buy a ticket for this about a week and a half in advance. Those tickets can go fast! So score your ticket on time. Tip! On the instagram pages of the matches, the sale of the tickets is announced in good time and, if possible, the link to the tickets is also on the match pages in the knowledge base.

Register for the Najaarsbokaal

Use this form to register for the Najaarsbokaal. N.B. the signup deadline is the 31st of August!

Beveiligingscode Beveiligingscode

What do I need to get ready before my match?

  • The boat line-up: Unlike previous years, you can submit the boat line-up yourself on the page of the race in the 'kennisbank'' on the website. Make sure you do this in time! If you don't have enough rowers, let me know in good time, then I will look for other rowers with you so that you can still start. The boat setup also includes a coxswain & coach!
  • (Possible) overnight stay: See information above..
  • The bowa! A bowa will also have to be loaded up every weekend. The bowa will (almost) always come on a Friday. I always give the exact time on Thursday. Make sure you are there with enough people - if you are there with too few, it will be very difficult. When the bowa comes at 12:00, that means you must have already rigged the boats by that time. So make sure you are at the boathouse at least half an hour before to rig. What needs to go on the bowa:
    • the oars of the boat 
    • the riggers & pushrods of the boat
    • bokjes en singels, as previously indicated by the board
    • and the boat of course!

The matches themselves

There you are at the race. You probably already have rowed a number of races, but at the Najaarsbokaal things are sometimes slightly different than during the Bakboordbokaal. There will be a little less Compocie present and you are expected to be more independent in terms of rafting, rigging and being on time.
That said, you can of course still turn to your coach or the Compocie. You can recognize the Compocie by their beautiful coats and bucket heads and they are well aware of the raft times and the like.
And finally, you can also approach the board during the autumn competitions if there are any problems. B23 will be present with at least some board members. Just like the CompoCie, we also know everything about the competition. Not only can you contact us if you have a question, you can always come to the board if you want to say something, have a comment or if you are not feeling well.


  How much does it cost to start the Najaarsbokaal?

Unfortunately, there are also costs associated with starting the Najaarsbokaal. These consist of registration costs and competition fees, which will be invoiced to you. The registration fee for 2024 is not jet set, but in 2023 this was 5 euros per team. The costs will be divided equally among all participating rowers. You can see this as the administration costs of organizing the bokaal. Competition fees vary per competition and are not yet known, but usually fall around 15 euros per rower.

As said before, there are 4 matches in the cup. You must start at least 3 games. It is not yet known whether the last game should also start. This would be the Argo Najaars Slotwedstrijden.

If your team has not checked out with me in time (read: not before the draw), your team will receive a fine from the competition organization. You share these as a team. But, don't worry! If you inform me in time that you are not complete, I will do my best to fill the boat with you. If you don't start 3 matches it means you will be removed from the bokaal. However, unlike the Bakboordbokaal, there is no penalty for not finishing for the bokaal.

Below you can see the provisions for 2023-2024. These are not yet known from this year, but they will probably not differ much